Category: Social Media

How Technology Increases Inclusion

Yes, I find the people who say, “technology is causing social isolation,” to be heartless and lacking in imagination. Also, technology opens up possibilities for the elderly, the sick, and the disabled to be part of the active life of a community. Some examples: 1. The elderly. My friend used Twitter to help her elderly…
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November 5, 2015 3

The Dragon, the Girl, and the Twitter: A True Story of Portland and Magic

As a child, I envied the children in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, for their ability to open a door into Narnia. I would stare at the back of my own closet with a wistful yearning in my heart, wishing the same was possible for me. Once at my grandmother’s house I even…
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September 13, 2014 14

If Social Media Sites Were Real Places, What Would They Be?

I feel like lots of people have this feeling of unreality when they socialize on the Internet. When you aren’t speaking in-person, it can be harder to treat someone like they ARE a person.  

July 18, 2013 1

Crazy Idealist is now a youtuber

I’ve been watching a lot of the vlogbrothers youtube channel, and they’ve created this whole online community around the motto “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome” (typically shortened to its acronym, dftba.)    They do a lot of good in the world:  raise money for charity, encourage thoughtfulness and laughter, promote creativity by nurturing fledgling vloggers.  …
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June 22, 2013 2